Courtney Savie Lawrence of DSIL will lead speakers from TechSoup, Give.Asia, the NetSuite/Oracle Social Impact Program, Facebook, and TechSauce/Hubba. That’s some array of tech talent! Speakers will share how they provide funding, resources, access to networks, physical space, events, capacity building, in-kind product donations and other types of support to make positive social change.
You can expect to gain insight into fabulously diverse approaches to leveraging social impact and supporting NGOs in the region. Expect funding stories, resourcing issues, network building, why physical space matters, events, capacity building, in-kind product donations… and discover how other types of support to make positive social change. You will gain frank and valuable insights as the panel addresses the benefits and challenges in supporting the social change sector. And, of course, there will be chance for you to ask your own questions too!