The Resource Alliance exists to connect and empower those people, organisations, and entities that are creating positive, lasting change in the world. Through events like IFC and FRO, as well as programmes focused on leadership, scholarship, and mentorship, we eat, sleep, live, and breathe collaboration and all of the good that comes from it.
We love hearing from people who have attended our events or taken part in our programmes and who, as a result, have expanded their fundraising, clarified their vision, or improved their confidence. We cherish their stories and want to hear yours, too.
If engaging with the Resource Alliance or any of our events or programmes has supported you or your organisation, please tell us how.

Case Study: Ikamva Labantu
Global perspective and a sense of belonging
IFC supports fundraisers as it guides them to increased success
The Ikamva Labantu Charitable Trust, which offers social programmes for children, young people, and older people in South Africa, credits the IFC and other Resource Alliance events with helping it to significantly grow its seniors programme and build monthly giving.
Case Study: AfriKids
Imagine hitting your fundraising target – three times over!
How AfriKids raised £1.2 million after attending IFC
AfriKids, a London-based organisation that protects the rights of children across northern Ghana, had a big fundraising goal: to raise £210,000 in unrestricted funds in three months, to be match-funded by the UK government through their UK Aid Match scheme. The matched funds were earmarked to support AfriKids’ education programme.

Case Study: Rewati Dhakal
Inspired and empowered to lead the way for fundraisers in Nepal
Historically, fundraisers in Nepal have been starved for knowledge and support. They struggled to raise money to tackle myriad social problems and make life better for their fellow Nepalese people. Thanks to his experiences with IFC and IFC Asia, Rewati Dhakal was inspired and empowered to do something about the situation and helped changed the face of fundraising and philanthropy in his country.
The Carolina Nyberg-Styser bursary programme
In October 2017, in the course of her work, Greenpeace campaigner Carolina Nyberg-Steiser lost her life in the Brazilian Amazon.
This programme is her legacy.
With the support of Carolina’s family, Greenpeace and the Resource Alliance developed a bursary programme in her name with the aim of empowering incredible young women who care as deeply for the wellbeing of our planet, and the people that inhabit it, as Carolina did.