Journey to supporter engagement: Raising funds by adding value to people's lives

Masterclasses are six and a half hours of intensive learning over two days. IFC masterclasses have a limited number of attendees so you will experience more powerful conversation, more intense exploration, and more deep-dive learning with an intimate group of delegates.

Register for IFC 2019


Journey to supporter engagement: Raising funds by adding value to people’s lives


Are you talking to your donors? Are you telling them about the great work your organisation is doing? Are you getting everyone on board with across-the-board messaging that everyone can relate to?

Well … stop. Seriously.

Fundraising is changing. It has been for a while. Channel-rooted, volume-driven fundraising is decreasingly less likely to work, as are cookie-cutter approaches, blindly consistent (and painfully irrelevant) messaging, and staring into one’s own navel when communicating with donors.

What does work? Engagement. (But you knew we were going to say that, right?)

Engagement is hot right now – everyone’s talking about it. But who really knows what it is? Who’s talking about that, and even more importantly, who’s talking about how to do it so that at the end of the day, it brings more money into your organisation?

That would be WaterAid. The organisation has carefully defined the concept of engagement and its practical application in fundraising and spent three years testing a new engagement framework. It redeveloped each one of its key systems, changed what it measures, changed its innovation approach to meet the needs of newly defined audiences, and changed the way it nurtures relationships and raises funds.

This masterclass brings those game-changing lessons and insights right from WaterAid’s playbook to your seat at IFC. You’ll leave with a blueprint for defining an engagement strategy for your organisation, developing a case for support, gaining buy-in from stakeholders, building a way to implement the strategy, and future-proofing your fundraising through engagement.


Aimed at:

The session is aimed at cynical fundraising leaders who are in the process of rebuilding their fundraising approaches and want to see how another organisation has done it. It might stop you from making mistakes or speed up the process for you to deliver the changes you need.


Learning outcomes:

  • A definition of engagement for your organisation
  • Confidence to make fundamental change, based on an engagement approach
  • A methodology to implement change within your organisation

Masterclasses are six and a half hours of intensive learning over two days. IFC masterclasses have a limited number of attendees so you will experience more powerful conversation, more intense exploration, and more deep-dive learning with an intimate group of delegates.

Register for IFC 2019


Journey to supporter engagement: Raising funds by adding value to people’s lives



Johnty Gray (UK)
Mass Engagement Director, WaterAid
Alex McDowell (UK)
Head of Public Fundraising, RNIB