Raise More with Value Exchange & Lead Generation

Get informed, inspired, and armed with everything you need to get investment for list building.

As platforms, audiences, and giving habits change, many charities are finding huge success by focusing on the lead first and asking for money later. But there’s no one-size-fits-all solution here, which opens up a world of opportunities for you to connect with audiences’ values first, rather than just their wallets, thus creating sustainable digital programmes for growth.

This workshop will take you through one organisation built its email database through product development, value exchange, and channel diversification, and how more organisations are finding success using similar models.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain a broad understanding of current and upcoming changes affecting digital marketing channels and how your strategy needs to change
  • Get a tactical understanding of new ways to generate leads for email, telemarketing, regular giving, and more
  • Learn how to start or expand your lead generation programme through new product development, channel diversification, and team resource building


Joshua Leigh
Director and Digital Marketing Consultant, Hynt
Andrew Taylor-Dawson
Membership Manager, Liberty