AI for Good

Using sentiment analysis to create personalised donor stewardship experiences at scale.

Sentiment analysis is a powerful AI tool that interprets and quantifies emotions in donor and constituent communications. By understanding the sentiments behind donor and constituent interactions, you can craft more effective and emotionally resonant campaigns. This approach not only enhances your fundraising efforts but also deepens your connection with your audience.

In this workshop, you’ll explore how AI facilitates personalised donor stewardship at scale and learn how to use AI to create tailored experiences for each donor, fostering stronger relationships and improved donor engagement.

Learning outcomes

  • Understand how to apply sentiment analysis in nonprofit communications
  • Master personalised donor stewardship using AI
  • Develop actionable strategies for AI integration in fundraising and marketing

Want to explore this topic in more detail? This workshop is also being run as a long-form masterclass.


Josh Hirsch
Senior Strategist, Soukup Strategic Solution