Brain science: Winning the minds of donors

Masterclasses are six and a half hours of intensive learning over two days. IFC masterclasses have a limited number of attendees so you will experience more powerful conversation, more intense exploration, and more deep-dive learning with an intimate group of delegates.

Register for IFC 2019

Brain science: Winning the minds of donors

Current research, practices, and tests in neuroscience and behavioural marketing for fundraising and changing behaviour in socially desirable directions.

Learn how neuroscience and behavioural marketing are enhancing what we know about motivating donors to give and also produce bigger and more frequent donations. Learn the results of tests with major donors, direct mail, digital marketing, DRTV, and other forms of giving. Learn how these techniques can also change consumer behaviour to achieve socially desirable outcomes (e.g. anti-littering).


Aimed at:

Intermediate and advanced fundraisers and those managers seeking real breakthroughs in fundraising efforts. Also useful for CEO, COO and programme staff seeking to influence behavioural changes in the public (i.e. socially desirable behaviour).


Learning outcomes:

  • Learn how neuroscience and behavioural marketing are enhancing what we know about motivating donors to give, producing bigger and more frequent donations, how donors receive our fundraising solicitations, and how to use their predispositions and beliefs to help “sell” your cause with the least amount of “friction.”
  • Learn the results of tests with major donors, direct mail, digital marketing, DRTV, and other forms of giving.
  • Learn how to motivate socially desirable behaviour (not littering or polluting, healthy lifestyles).
  • Learn some of the elements of these sciences that can be used in fundraising including:
    • anchoring
    • social proof
    • mirroring
    • priming
    • triggering
    • approaching major donors in person
    • using all the senses
    • distractions and visual barriers
    • eye tracking – what do donors actually read?
    • storytelling – how to tell a story that works

Masterclasses are six and a half hours of intensive learning over two days. IFC masterclasses have a limited number of attendees so you will experience more powerful conversation, more intense exploration, and more deep-dive learning with an intimate group of delegates.

Register for IFC 2019


Geoffrey Peters (USA)
President, Moore DM Group