Build better, raise more: Landing pages for fundraising

Build better, raise more: Landing pages for fundraising

About this session

Diego Da Ros will begin his session with an analysis of substantial data, looking at over 220 active installations from nonprofit organisations in Italy and Spain, which have raised millions of euro. From here, the workshop will demonstrate the importance of switching your focus from donate (a single donation) to support us (recurring donations). Including concrete figures and behavioural knowledge like conversion rates, average donation amounts, weight of applicants, percentage of use of smartphones vs. desktops, etc., you will discover how the successful results obtained are correlated with applied design best practices.

From page design components and theories of cognitive neuromarketing to user experience and holistic communication, this workshop will summarise the right precautions to take and the mistakes not to make when it comes to raising funds for your cause online, using examples from a spectrum of landing pages in a variety of contexts.

This session is CFRE-accredited. Attendance at the session, in conjunction with the speaker Q&A that follows, is worth one point.






Diego Da Ros (Italy)
Project manager, myDonor Società Benefit SRL