Building your tribe: Transforming your staff and volunteers into brand ambassadors

Transforming your staff and volunteers into brand ambassadors

Getting the word out about your organization can feel like a huge challenge for just one person (or a small team if you’re lucky!). Instead of bearing the burden yourself, we’ll explore how you can take a strategic approach to empowering those closest to you – your staff and volunteers – to advocate for your non-profit and help you reach new audiences and promote your message.

In this workshop, we’ll discuss how you can identify your biggest fans – those who are already passionate about your organization and very likely already spreading the word about your cause – and how to harness their energy to help you expand your reach, amplify your voice, and build community.

Learning outcomes

  • How to identify and recruit brand ambassadors
  • How to train and empower your brand ambassadors to be the voice for your non-profit

Who should attend: Fundraising, communications, or volunteer engagement staff


Serrie Fung (Hong Kong)
Independent Consultant