Changing your Story from the Inside Out

Identify, shape, and road-test internal stories to create change.

In order to rise, we need allies. The most obvious allies are those already in your organisation or those working for the same cause. But just because you’re on the same team, doesn’t mean you’re always going to be on the same page.

As fundraisers, we know how powerful stories are when it comes to changing minds, to showing business leaders in boardrooms why they should care about someone they’ll never meet. Yet when we’re trying to convince our colleagues of something, we rely on pie charts and presentations – even though the behavioural science is clear: data doesn’t change minds.

This dynamic workshop will look at how to identify and shape internal stories to create effective change. Through decision science principles and real world examples, you’ll see how simple conversations can transform your organisation’s identity, your colleagues’ motivation, and the impact of your services.

You’ll engage in hands-on exercises identifying, shaping, and road-testing the stories you need. In this interactive space, your stories will become catalysts for narrative revolution.

Learning outcomes

  • Discover how to tell effective stories in everyday conversation
  • Identify real-life opportunities internal storytelling in your current work
  • Create a peer-reviewed story you can use to create internal change needed day-to-day, like fundraising priorities or partnership culture


Andy King
Director, Fireside Fundraising
Christa Orth
Founder & CEO, Seaworthy Fundraising
Camille St-Omer Donaldson
Head of Membership Engagement, Fundraising Everywhere | Associate Specialist Consultant, THINK