Fundraising and Beyond: Unlocking the potential for change

You will have absorbed a lot in your three days at IFC Asia. You’ll be keen to create more change! In our closing keynote, hosted by the co-founder of Social Giver, Alice Napartivaumnuay, our three speakers unpack vital dimensions of change.

Veronica Colondam talks about her personal journey and being prepared to put yourself forward as a personal catalyst for change. Discover stories of impact from her work with YCab.

Katy Grennier excels at getting the best out of people. She will share how, through her work with DSIL Global, she enables people to create change through the power of collaboration. Discover how you can make this happen.

Jerry Almeida will reflect on what he has seen and heard in the past few days, share grassroots stories, and inspire you to recognise the enduring power of stories to create impact and engage people in their missions.

Our closing keynote will leave you feeling empowered to create the change you want to see in the world.


Aliza “Alice” Napartivaumnuay (Thailand)
Co-founder, Socialgiver
Veronica Colondam (Indonesia)
Founder/CEO, YCAB Foundation
Katy Grennier (Thailand)
CEO, Designing for Social Innovation and Leadership - DSIL Global
Jeroninio (Jerry) Francisco Torquato Almeida (India)
Creator and founder of Joy of Giving, RighteveryWrong, Rex, Karmaveer Awards, moJosh movement and Swachh Bharat Mission