Human Centred Design: Innovative and highly effective

In this hands-on workshop, participants will get to experience the human-centered design (HCD) process working on their own real and unique challenges when it comes to fundraising. HCD is emerging as an effective, creative problem-solving technique with a strong set of tools and methodologies that improve collaboration and engage diverse voices. The participants will work with tools and learn the process that will unlock understanding for their specific organisation, getting new insights about both their donors and the people they are fundraising for. From the intersection of these insights, design thinking will help them craft a new path forward to try in the next year.

Participants will leave the session with a re-designed fundraising strategy that they can continue to build on with their teams, leading to other possible innovations and ultimately increasing donor engagement. Throughout the workshop, DSIL will take into account considerations on how to implement HCD in the Asian context. Participants will experience the potential of HCD and the mind-sets that they can apply in other areas of their work as well. They will learn how radical collaboration, focus on human values, bias to action and valuing different perspectives can be the root of innovation.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn the design thinking process and understand its potential for innovation (we will teach it in a training of trainers (ToT) style so the skills will be transferable to their own teams)
  • Understand the importance of deeply listening to stakeholders, radical collaboration, diversity and experimentation as the basis for innovation
  • Learn how to find new insights and from there new innovative pathways to unlock challenges
  • Learn about unique considerations of applying HCD in Southeast Asia

Who should attend: The session will be particularly useful for participants who experienced a recent change in their fundraising outcomes, who face a problem in their fundraising efforts, who are planning to set high goals or who need innovative ways to do fundraising. To get the most out of the workshop, it would be useful for participants to invite a donor, if possible.

Session style: This workshop will be entirely experiential and relevant to people working on fundraising or donor engagement. Participants will learn through doing and then reflecting. Additionally working on their own problems and the unique considerations of applying HCD in Southeast Asia will also ensure that the workshop is relevant to the participants.


Katy Grennier (Thailand)
CEO, Designing for Social Innovation and Leadership - DSIL Global