Digital fundraising: What's new, what's working, and what's a waste of time

A review of recent digital engagement strategies, tools and tactics

The Internet is chock-full of new tools and unexpected tactics – you’ve probably seen a dozen come across your desk in the last week alone. It’s inspiring! But, it’s also overwhelming, and it can be challenging to figure out which ones are worth your limited time and investment. This session will cover what’s working *now* … and what’s not in areas like digital advertising, mobile fundraising, crowdsourcing, gift catalogues, data, social media, acquisition, and many more. Expect a little bit of fun, a lot of examples, many answers to your burning questions and most of all, TRUTH about what’s really happening out there and what’s just hype.

Learning outcomes

  • A glossary of new digital tools, what they do, and what’s known about their effectiveness
  • More than a dozen examples of real-world applications of new tools and tactics
  • Honest answers to real situations or approaches workshop attendees are considering

Who should attend: The audience for this session is broad! Relatively new folks and small groups will benefit from honesty about which tools and tactics are worth their time. And larger NGOs and more experienced people will receive validation (or brutal honesty) about where to invest and take some risks.

Session style: This session will be in a highly interactive format with Q&A and discussion throughout. In addition there will be humor, irreverence, and an honest style for keeping audiences engaged, inspired and informed.


Madeline Stanionis (USA)
Principal & Creative Director, M+R