Digital Major Donor Fundraising: How digital can empower major donor fundraising 

Thursday 13 June
08:00-08:45 (UK BST)
Watch the session on the Resource Alliance Facebook page

Wealthy people have a smartphone, use the internet, are well connected through social media platforms. And they will research your organization, your goals, your vision and so much more.  


The questions are:  

  • How can you use digital tools in your major donor fundraising? 
  • And is your website set up for a major donor prospect?  


In this session you will get some hands-on tips to empower and digitalize your major donor fundraising programme. 


Aimed at: 

  • Major Giving Officers/Directors 
  • Digital Fundraiser 
  • Development Directors 


Learning outcomes: 

  • Expectations of major donor prospects regarding your website 
  • How to adjust your website for major donors 
  • How to empower relationship building with digital tools