Drive the action you want: Digital mobilisation for fundraisers

Drive the action you want: Digital mobilisation for fundraisers

About this session

Digital mobilisation is all about driving action. It’s a way of thinking about how you recruit and activate the people who share your values to help achieve ambitious goals, from fundraising to political change. It’s an approach that more and more charities and NGOs are using to scale up their supporter base and join the dots between different areas of digital activity.

This session will cover:
• What digital mobilisation is and how it could work for your organisation
• Tips for getting started – and for getting internal buy-in
• Real-world examples from organisations using digital mobilisation to get great results

This session is CFRE-accredited. Attendance at the session, in conjunction with the speaker Q&A that follows, is worth one point.






Anne Clark (UK)
Senior Strategist, Forward Action
Beth Miles (UK)
Digital Strategy Manager, Forward Action