This session is a frank conversation about why and how we fundraise in non-traditional countries and the impact we have – for good or for bad.
“Wait”, you’re thinking, “what do you mean by ‘bad’? We’re all about the ‘good,’ right?”
That’s no doubt the intention. But the reality might be something different. In this session, we’ll discuss questions like:
• Do we create a problem when we go into a new country, with a huge budget that can potentially overwhelm any local fundraising that is taking root?
• Does fundraising cross the efforts of Southern CSOs to build local constituencies and local fundraising capacity?
• Should we act like multinationals when we go into a new country? Or does that mean fundraising becomes disconnected from mission and vision?
This session will create a lot of debate and even tension. But it’s time for an honest and open discussion that looks at the core of why it is we do what we do, what drives us and what the solution could be – together.
It’s time to dig deeper. Be ready for lively debate and interaction!
Learning outcomes
• A reflection and discussion around power and values in our work, and whether our practices and tools support or undermine them
• An appreciation of fundraising / local resource mobilisation as a core development strategy
• An introduction to the #ShiftThePower movement
Who should attend: Leadership and boards of NGOs; fundraising managers; and anyone interested in rethinking the current aid paradigm and shifting power