Ethical AI for climate change

Empowering youth in ethical AI for environmental resilience

This session is dedicated to exploring how young people, especially from Mediterranean countries like Algeria, can play a pivotal role in leveraging artificial intelligence ethically to address environmental challenges.

The workshop will highlight the pressing need for ethical AI applications in the context of environmental sustainability. You will discuss the power of AI in policy-making and solution development, focusing on its potential to enhance environmental resilience. You will gain insights into how AI can be used responsibly to not just predict environmental changes but also to formulate adaptive strategies that are in harmony with nature.

Exploring educational strategies for youth, you will learn how young people can be empowered with the knowledge and skills to use AI ethically in environmental contexts. Interactive discussions will focus on case studies from Mediterranean regions, underscoring the unique environmental challenges and the role of AI in addressing them.

You will leave the workshop with a deeper understanding of ethical AI use, equipped with the right tools and inspired to educate others to implement AI solutions for environmental resilience in their communities.


Selma Bichbich
Together for Blue and Green/MENA Youth Network