Finding your purpose

Tapping into your nerve: A masterclass retreat

Define your why at work, find your passion and your purpose, and playfully explore what really makes you tick! Why are you here and what are your values – the things you really believe in? People working in the social change space can often be guilty of putting themselves last, ending up at risk of burnout. If that sounds like you, join us for a masterclass retreat and discover a whole new world which will give you the opportunity to unstick yourself, learn to make mindful choices, and find out how to do the things you don’t believe you can. You will explore new horizons, and consider an array of topics including transition, quiet quitting, and venturing into the unknown through storytelling, somatic coaching, reflective practice, play, and other avenues.

Who is it for?

Anyone feeling stuck in their work life looking for a refresh, reset, and restart.

Learning outcomes

  • Find your why and redefine your passion and your purpose
  • Define your future goals
  • Develop a toolkit to reach those goals


Esther Kwaku
Storyteller, content artist, and energiser, The Nerve Network
Vanessa Chisakula
Cofounder and National Coordinator, Word Smash Poetry; spoken word artist; Youth Giving Summit Ambassador