Follow your moral compass, but plan your route: Staying accountable to data protection regulations

It raises money, and the GDPR is silent. Shall we do it?

Following your moral compass when using personal data

“Not everything that is legally compliant and technically feasible is morally sustainable.” So said the “father of GDPR” Giovanni Buttarelli. But when the law is silent on how to interpret and apply the data protection principles, what should guide fundraisers?

How can you deliver effective fundraising that remains aligned to your core principles and upholds every donor’s personal privacy, rights and expectations?

In this session, Gary Shipsey will draw on his 15 years experience tackling the questions fundraisers face when using personal data for ever-more sophisticated and insightful fundraising practices.

The session will look at three topics and how Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) hold the key to raising money whilst complying with data protection law.

I know his son’s favour animal!

How far should prospect research go?

  • Can you use Facebook, Twitter and other publicly-available personal data for your fundraising purposes?
  • Would you use what you learn about a child without consent?
  • When will you tell them what you’ve learnt?

They want emails from us!

Can you profile people to decide what communication suits them best?
  • How can you justify profiling to tailor communications and deepen engagement?
  • What could genuine choice look like?
  • Can you send email addresses to Facebook without consent to acquire new supporters?
It’s in our privacy policy!
If your privacy policy says it, does that make it ok?
  • What if your privacy policy isn’t read?
  • Does anyone understand what you are doing with their data?
  • How can we bring people with us?

Aimed at:

  • Those who think data protection is a blocker rather than an enabler
  • Those who think data protection is just a tick box exercise


Learning outcomes:

  • Data protection is there for a reason
  • Data protection is an enabler, not a blocker
  • It’s all about the culture!


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Gary Shipsey (UK)
Founder and Managing Director, Protecture Limited