Fundraising for introverts: Better networking, phone calls, and face-to-face connections

You’re empathetic, creative, and skilled in spotting opportunities – all qualities to be a great fundraiser. But to be an amazing fundraiser you need to put yourself out there, network constantly, and be comfortable in front of a crowd. Let’s face it … we don’t always feel up to it.  

In this session Nikki and Simon will give you the tools and the confidence you need to open new doors, boost your fundraising, advance your career, and become a better leader. 

As award-winning fundraisers who have overcome anxiety and self-doubt to become public speaking contest winners and respected relationship builders, we’ll share our learnings of how to achieve your fundraising goals when all you really want to do is hide behind your desk. 


Aimed at: 



Learning outcomes: 

  • How to get the most out of networking events … even when you dread them 
  • How to structure a successful and confident phone call 
  • How to make great presentations and pitches as an introvert 
  • How to make an ask face-to-face as an introvert and overcome your fear 
  • How to build your online presence and make the most of social media 
  • How to gain confidence and build your personal brand to open new doors and advance your career


Nikki Bell (UK)
Freelance Consultant and Trainer,
Simon Scriver (Ireland)
Consultant and Trainer,