Global fundraising income and donor trends

Driving performance through collaboration

Take a look at the bigger picture and dive into five years of income trends, with insights from 18 of the largest global INGOs, including the impact of the Ukraine crisis on those who responded and those who didn’t.

What happened to the income and donors of these organisations last year? What markets and channels are performing well – and which ones aren’t? Over the last 14 years, these 18 INGOs have collaborated to produce robust and accurate insight that helps inform real understanding of the fundraising environment. The session will pay special attention to the impact of the crisis in Ukraine as well as looking at some of the first information available about 2023.

Who is it for?

Fundraising managers and nonprofit leaders with an eye on trends and responsibility for income.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain insight into five years of trends across income overall and in key categories
  • Find our how the war in Ukraine has impacted income and donor behaviour
  • Discover what is driving growth in key markets globally


Chris Innes
Director, Global Development Centre, WWF International
James Huitson
Senior Global Fundraising Manager, CARE International