How to get 1 million views and raise $1 million on YouTube

How to get 1 million views and raise $1 million on YouTube

Partnering with content creators to build a social movement for your cause



About this session

Join this session to hear from John Kim – Chief of Staff at GIVE.Asia – explaining how to work with YouTube celebrities to get awareness for pressing social causes. John has learned through working on multiple collaborations with ‘content creators’ that raising awareness for a moving cause via YouTube is a powerful way of engaging with subscribers, while raising a significant amount of funds for nonprofits. John will share some particularly successful case studies from South Korea and the session will cover: 

  • How to create a digital content strategy 
  • Why you should start with YouTube 
  • How to pitch to content creators for partnerships, at no cost 
  • How to convert views into donors. 


Aimed at

  • For any cause of any size looking to raise awareness for a significant issue (significant as defined by issues that are both URGENT and IMPORTANT – issues become significant after gaining coverage from mainstream media). 


Learning outcomes

  • Formulate a clear digital content strategy.  
  • Create a clear pitch to content creators for partnerships.  
  • Convert high online traffic into a new donor base. 




John Kim (South Korea)
Chief of Staff,