Including DEI in your Strategic Planning

Effective, measurable, and trackable DEI integration.

Embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is no longer optional. It can help you unlock your organisation’s full potential, tap into diverse perspectives, and rise to address the challenges we face together.

In today’s interconnected world, it is imperative that we embrace diversity, ensure equity, and foster inclusion to harness our collective power effectively. DEI needs to become integral to everything we do in our organisations. This workshop will empower the you with everything you need to create a strategic plan that reflects and embraces the diverse communities we serve.

With insight from global minority and majority countries, the session will offer practical tools on how DEI can become an integral part of the strategic planning processes and cover topics including:

  • Inclusive leadership strategies to drive diverse decision-making
  • Effective community engagement methods to build trust and collaboration
  • Measurable DEI goals to track progress and ensure accountability
  • Frameworks for seamlessly integrating DEI into your strategic planning process

Learning outcomes

  • Understand the concept of DEI and why it matters for strategic planning
  • Get practical tools and templates for integrating DEI into your strategic planning processes
  • Learn to ensure that organisational strategy speaks to the diverse communities you serve


Carolin Gomulia
Director, The Workroom