Introduction to virtual connection & collaboration

Introduction to virtual connection & collaboration

Duration: 1.5 hours

Collaboration, connection and communication are not just important right now – they are absolutely VITAL!
As we move our teams online and engage in a completely new virtual environment, we have two choices:
  • Become innovative in our approach, embracing new ways of working and leading, co-creating together with our teams OR
  • Continue to repeat outdated ways of working, only adding additional stress to our teams and reducing our ability to work effectively.

In this highly interactive session, you’ll learn how to create a connected, collaborative, creative, people-centric online environment that can achieve more in less time. You’ll learn how to design a way forward together with your team that maintains social connection, keeps your organisation moving and supports you in making the big decisions to achieve your purpose.

Led by some of the sector’s most experienced and innovative minds, Fi McPhee, Gavin Coopey and Kaz McGrath. The session will include:

  • 3 x collaboration exercises you can experiment using with your team right away
  • Tool stacks for success and some hacks for getting the most out of them
  • Questions you should be asking of your teams and yourself right now
  • The most common leadership mistakes we’re seeing in the sector
  • How to design your online environment for sustainability and impact (for your people and your programs)


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