Multichannel fundraising & Islamic philanthropy

Multichannel fundraising & Islamic philanthropy

Zakat giving: Multichannel fundraising in a competitive global market

If Ramadan is the month of fasting for Muslims, it is also a particular time for solidarity, during which Muslim communities intensify their efforts to support others in need. As one of the five pillars of Islam, Zakat, or almsgiving, represents enormous fundraising potential. Every year, charities engaging Muslim audiences, both in Muslim countries and in non-Muslim countries, receive collectively hundreds of millions of dollars during the month of Ramadan.

In previous years, in the UK alone, the Muslim Charities Forum estimates that Ramadan donations have exceeded £130 million. The recognition of this fundraising potential by international humanitarian organisations, including UN agencies, has led to fierce competition, especially in the digital fundraising space. Within this context, it is critical to plan ahead and to plan well in order to implement a successful Ramadan fundraising campaign. With a focus on Zakat giving, this masterclass will explore how running a multichannel fundraising campaign is the key to standing out in a crowded market, with lessons that will translate to your campaigns across demographics.

In 2014, UNHCR began its first Ramadan campaign in the MENA region, and has since expanded to run a global campaign annually in more than 30 markets. This masterclass will share best practices from eight years of learning from UNHCR, providing guidance on planning your Ramadan fundraising campaign, including digital, face-to-face, and institutional fundraising, and you will explore potential Zakat campaign concepts and initial donor development ideas for further development and future roll-out.






Houssam Chahine
Chief of Private Sector Partnerships for the MENA region, UNHCR
Raefah Makki
Head of Campaigns and Advocacy, Private Sector Partnerships, UNHCR