Journey to supporter engagement: Change your organisation, change the world

Join this session to learn how to transform every aspect of your organisation’s approach to build powerful new supporter relationships that can transform your impact. The future of fundraising depends on new models of collaboration and engagement, which requires fundamental change to the whole business model of our organisations. Diabetes UK and The Children’s Society are on a similar journey: to shift from conventional fundraising technique-driven programmes to supporter-led engagement embedded into the heart of their mission. In both cases, this has required major change – of structures, processes, systems, metrics, skills and, crucially, culture and mindset – involving everyone from trustees, to the executive, to colleagues in every function across the charity, supporters and beneficiaries. This is a long-term game – and change is never easy. If your plans for the next few years are incremental improvements to business-as-usual, then this session is not for you. But if you’re ready for, or already embarking on, transformational change, it is.  We’ll share lessons (the good, bad and the ugly) from both charities and the tools, tips and tricks we’ve deployed. We’ll consider how our journey can help you move forward with yours.

Learning outcomes

  • Practical learning about supporter-led engagement models
  • Tools and techniques for implementing major change within an organisation
  • Guidance and ideas for implementing your own change initiatives

Who should attend: You are either preparing to lead, or are already leading, a major strategic change initiative within your organisation and/or are leading your fundraising toward a supporter-led engagement approach

Session style: Interactive session with participative exercises and shared problem-solving looking at real initiatives within your own organisation


Joe Jenkins (UK)
Director of Supporter Impact and Income, The Children's Society
Kath Abrahams (UK)
Director of engagement and fundraising, Diabetes UK