How chatbots helped MSF support people through lockdown opened up new opportunities for fundraising
About this session
COVID-19 changed the world of fundraising. Donors were no longer in the same spaces as before – physically or mentally. In response, the Digital Unit of MSF in Spain kicked off a programme to reach people through chatbots, taking advantage of the flexibility of the channel to trial many different ones for different functions. One, that was released within three weeks of lockdown, reached hundreds of thousands of people around the world, supporting them with tips for their mental health. The programme has allowed MSF to test how chatbots can deliver against a variety of uses, from inbound marketing and e-commerce to loyalty-building and peer-to-peer fundraising, to staff recruitment and lead generation. The team has yet to find an objective where a well-designed bot does not seem to offer some value over other channels… but intends to keep trying!
Aimed at
- Digital practitioners in charities
- Anyone interested in chatbots and engagement
Learning outcomes
- An understanding of the flexibility of chatbots and their potential uses if well-employed