Hooked on a feeling: Transforming emotions into memorable donor experiences

Using the power of digital to transform emotions into donor experiences



About this session

Emotions drive people to give. The top 20 Gofundme campaigns are driven by anger, fear, or sadness. But what makes people give again and believe in and advocate for your cause? Based on recent findings from neuroscientific research and examples of successful donor love from around the world, this unique session explains how donors’ engagement and loyalty are linked to the memorable experiences we create. With data, examples, and eye-opening case studies, the first part of this session will show how giving is often short-term and addictive, physiologically rooted in dopamine and oxytocin, while loyalty is long-term and rooted in serotonin activated by memories. Debunking the traditional myth that retention is a result of the quantity and frequency of asks, the session will show how to successfully manage memory peaks and the end of a donor relationship using the sensory drivers in digital fundraising. Participants will experience how simple actions can drive incremental income by increasing supporter satisfaction and trust.

Aimed at

  • Directors of fundraising, online and digital fundraisers, retention managers

Learning outcomes

  • How to recognise and use emotions in digital fundraising
  • Delivering memorable experiences for digital supporters
  • Using the feedback from supporters to improve your digital experience



Natacha Francais (Brazil)
Fundraising Officer (Donor Optimization), UNICEF Brazil
Francesco Ambrogetti (USA)
Supporter Engagement Lead, UNICEF