This session presents the opportunity to join a table of your choice and discuss a ‘hot topic’ with delegates who share the same interest. There will be five topics in total, with a lead discussion facilitator on each table – the topics below have already been confirmed, and the others will be soon! If you’d like to suggest a topic for a table, please just email
- Topic 1 – Global principles for regulation and self-regulation on fundraising
Faciliated by: Eszter Hartay, European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (Hungary) & Pia Tornikoski, Torni Consulting (Finland) - Topic 2 – Fundraising from mass participation events
Some say that mass participation events are becoming increasingly difficult to fundraise from, yet we’re seeing some events continue to raise record amounts for good causes. The discussion will focus around best practice, how to know which events to invest in and how you can maximise the opportunity for your supporters.
Facilitated by: Kenneth Foreman, London Marathon Events (UK) & James Wright, Sue Ryder (UK) - Topic 3 – The challenge of far-right fundraising
Facilitated by: Martin Georgi, Board Member, EUConsult (Germany) - Topic 4 – The future of professional education in the fundraising sector
What is needed to make it worthwhile? What do you expect when attending certified courses? What do fundraisers and heads of fundraising/CEOs feel are important required skills? What is important in order to create a certification that is recognised across Europe?
Facilitated by: Charlotte Rydh, Swedish Fundraising Association - Topic 5 – Board of Directors and fundraising: how to involve and keep them tight to development
Engaging the governance is among the most critical issues for everyone involved in fundraising, yet having the Board of Directors “on board” is vital for development. This discussion will focus around how to (practically) engage Boards and make them the best ambassadors (and fundraisers, too) for our organisations.
Facilitated by: Simona Biancu, Fundraising and Philanthropy Advisor, ENGAGEDin (Italy)