New foundations are creating new ways of supporting social purpose organisations, going beyond grants to partnerships for change, and using new tools including social impact bonds, loans and equity. These innovations are spreading fast through the foundation community in Europe, the Americas, Asia, the Gulf and Africa. If your organisation is anything like most, you’re asking: Who are these people? What do they want? What can I do, and what can my organisation do to match their needs and expectations? Using case studies, data, stories, sources, pictures and debate, this session will bring you up to date on this quickly evolving sector and outline how your organisation can benefit from these new foundations.
Learning outcomes
- Understand the size, scope and trends of the new wave of foundations in Europe and Asia
- Learn where to find out more about new foundations and their financial innovations
- Understand how and when to apply at least two financial innovations in your own organisation
- Understand the relevance and importance of social enterprise in new foundation finance
- Understand the role of advisors, including the banks, in developing relationships in this segment
Who should attend: Senior fundraisers in organisations, including social enterprises, NGOs and foundations, who want to work with innovative philanthropists.
Session style: This will be an active masterclass, with groupwork and debate, as well as data and lived experience.