P2P – onwards and upwards: How to grow your income and deliver your vision using P2P

The workshop will approach P2P from two perspectives. 

Firstly, we will look at how to build up a portfolio of individually generated P2P events, through telling the story of a small organisation’s journey to accomplishment following attendance at the IFC in 2011. Find out what the SPCA did to grow income from R 180,000 in year one to the current income of R 1.5 million. We will drill down into the value of a P2P fundraising programme in terms of donor retention and conversion into other programmes, including what we all want most from our individual giving programmes: gifts in wills. 

Secondly, we will discuss how to use a wholly-owned P2P event to deliver on an organisation’s vision and raise significant funds, through telling the story of Darkness Into Light (DIL) from 2015-2018 and its journey from being a successful fundraising event across Ireland to becoming a global movement on four continents with over 200,000 participants and a multi-million euro income. The session will share the highs and lows of the journey and the transformative dynamic achieved by sharing the ownership of your vision, mission, and values to your supporters and how DIL was used as a megaphone for the organisation and supporters to fight the stigmas of suicide to an audience of millions. 


Aimed at: 

Organisations who want to raise funds and raise awareness of the issues they are passionate about. The session is equally applicable to the people who raise money, the people who develop and share messages, and the people who deliver the services. 


Learning outcomes: 

Participants can expect to leave the session with: 

  • Practical examples of donor-centricity, with a touch of hero worship and a deep understanding of how to achieve this.
  • A great deal of inspiration and the belief that if a small, regional organisation can achieve this growth, then they can too.
  • Practical understanding of running a wholly owned and volunteer-run event in multiple locations.
  • An understanding of how to create messaging that can be taken by, owned by, and shared by everyone (linked to social media). 
  • How to influence your CEO, senior management, and board to bring a vision further. 


Belinda Abraham
Communications, Resource Development, & Education Manager, The Cape of Good Hope SPCA
Brian Higgins (Ireland)
CEO, Bloomfield Health Services