Shaping the future together

Shaping the future together

Our opening keynote

IFC 2022 will be opened by award-winning journalist, political pundit, and author Anand Giridharadas. The theme for this year’s event is Shaping the Future Together and the event is built around finding solutions to the most pressing issues facing us all, including polarisation, misinformation, and the rise of extremism and propaganda. Anand’s writing holds a mirror up to the work we do in the social change sector, exposing sometimes hidden issues around privilege and inequity that we cannot afford to be blind to.

The keynote will be followed by a bespoke spoken word piece performed by artivist Vanessa Chisakula.




Anand Giridharadas (USA)
Author and journalist
Vanessa Chisakula
Cofounder and National Coordinator, Word Smash Poetry; spoken word artist; Youth Giving Summit Ambassador