Sticky Teams: How to recruit and retain (digital) teams that stick

Wednesday 12 June
14:00-14:30 (UK BST)
Watch the session on the Resource Alliance Facebook page

There are only 24 hours in a day and yet we spend an average of 11 hours each day interacting with some type of media. That’s a LOT of screen time. The workplace is not exempt with more meetings being conducted virtually and more teams working remotely than ever before. When you can’t “talk at the water cooler”, you lose some of the connectedness that fortifies good team dynamics. Access to technology and loss of connection can make it easier for your best team members to leave. But it doesn’t have to be that way!  

How do you find amazing talent and create the conditions for them to stick in this digital age? You’ll find out how! 

Aimed at: 

Managers – individuals who have remote employees and/or who are exploring remote teaming.  

Learning outcomes: 

If you’ve ever had a hard time hanging on to non-profit staff, you’re looking for new strategies to help your team grown or you’re ready to level up as a manager and leader then this session is for you. Learn how to do talent management right so that you can recruit, retain and develop great employees, keep them engaged, and make sure all of this aligns with the strategy and goals of your organization.

Kishshana Palmer – Sticky teams: How to recruit and retain digital teams that stick from The Resource Alliance


Kishshana Palmer (USA)
Founder + CEO, The Rooted Collaborative + Kishshana & Co.