Thursday 13 June
09:45-10:15 (UK BST)
Watch the session on the Resource Alliance Facebook page
Fundraising, whether it be crowdfunding, pitching to investors, or applying to grants, is fundamentally about storytelling. In this session, you will learn how to brainstorm and strategise impactful stories for your project, cause or organisation. You will get hands-on with the Story Canvas – Digital Storytellers easy-to-use tool for identifying purpose, audience, key messages, style and tone and the impact you hope to create. This session will also explore powerful narrative structures that are effective in driving audiences to action and how you can translate them into stories for your campaigns. The tools explored in this session can be used for brainstorming and crafting stories for video, blogs, presentations and beyond.
Aimed at:
This session is useful for anyone who needs to be identifying stories or creating content for use in outreach and campaigns including:
- Communications/marketing staff
- Individuals working ‘in the field’ who want to be capturing and gathering more stories from the ground
- Community Engagement Officers
- Social entrepreneurs
- Fundraising officers.
Learning outcomes:
- How to use the Story Canvas to brainstorm and craft strategic stories for your campaign
- How to identify your purpose, audience, key messages, style and tone, people and places, campaign and impact of a story
- An outline of different story-types and how they can be used in fundraising and engagement campaigns.