Taking impact to donors: How to use impact with donors

Many organisations are now measuring impact and reporting the results. How can we use those results with donors? What are donors looking for in impact measurement and results? What is the balance between impact data and the human story about our work? 

Donors get engaged in impact in a variety of ways. For some, impact data is a reassurance that your organisation is doing good work. But a few donors are now paying for impact studies, or helping us to disseminate the results. The most sophisticated are working with organisations on project design or management changes that arise from impact intelligence or designing innovative finance to grow your impact. Using case studies and examples from mid-size and large organisations, Chris will help you translate your impact into stronger, longer-lasting, and more fruitful relationships with donors. The workshop will focus on philanthropists and foundations in Europe. 


Aimed at:

  • Senior fundraisers 
  • Major donor fundraisers 
  • Foundation (trust) fundraisers


Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the concept of impact 
  • Learn from three examples of measuring impact 
  • See how impact can be used in developing relationships with philanthropists and foundations 
  • Learn how to build impact into your case statement


Christopher Carnie
Founder & consultant, Factary
Sophie Vossenaar (Netherlands)
Director of Fundraising Europe, African Parks