Testing the power of community-led action

A shift-the-power hackathon

The talk around shifting power has long been just that – talk. It is past time for us to start shifting.

But why is it taking so long to walk the talk? The reasons are unclear, the proferred evidence uncompelling. Some believe that conversations around shifting power are hypothetical. Others believe the delay is linked to fear on the part of those who currently hold power – the fear of what happens next; the fear of whether those in places that have traditionally been considered “beneficiary” countries will be able to handle power; the fear that once the balance has shifted, those who used to hold the power will no longer be relevant.

Informed by African traditions that hold that the good fortune of your neighbour is your good fortune, just as your poverty and suffering affects them, this session will explore how, instead of imposing solutions on communities, those solutions should come from within.

Who is it for?

Anyone keen to more deeply reflect on what shifting the power really means, and to be part of making it happen in practice.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of the complexities involved in shifting power and assets to local organisations – as well as an understanding of the elements that aren’t complex at all
  • Grow your appreciation for community-led solutions
  • Increase your consciousness around the power of community and the resources they have that go beyond power


Sarah Pacutho
Team Leader, Civil Society Strengthening, Uganda National NGO Forum