The cube - influencing systems for change

The cube – influencing systems for change: How to design innovative collaborative workshops


About this session

In this session, join Alfredo, designer and creative director at Housatonic, as he shares the tools you need to design, organise and deliver effective and innovative collaborative workshops. With the learnings from this session, your meetings will never be the same again! 

Alfredo will provide an overview of the basic elements, aspects and requirements of collaborative design, explain the importance and efficacy of using this process to address complex issues, and leave you with the tools and resources you need to implement these processes into your own work. 

This session is aimed at:

  • Workshop, session and events designers and managers 
  • Whoever feels collaboration is key to change the future pf the planet.

What you will learn

  • Basic elements of collaborative design 
  • Tools to use 
  • Links and resources. 





Alfredo Carlo (Italy)
Designer, Housatonic