The future of community: What digital means for impact and belonging

The future of community: What digital means for impact and belonging

About this session

Community has been at the heart of our global fight against COVID-19. We’ve seen incredible acts of solidarity, practical action, generosity, support, and heroism. But the pandemic also exposed the loneliness that occurs in the absence of community and the yearning for the feelings of belonging and connection that community creates.

This session will look at how digital is opening new avenues to build, connect, and communicate with supporters and beneficiaries, including:

  • Where are audiences congregating? (inc. what is the Metaverse – now and next)
  • What stories should you be telling and how?
  • What are the intersections and why are they important?
  • The foundations of future community in the digital age
  • New digital signifiers of status, membership, and access

In the wake of the pandemic, we now face a declining giving market, a climate emergency, an empathy crisis, and debt tsunami. People are searching for hope. They need beacons to gravitate towards and communities that will support and empower them. They need platforms on which to stand and support to have their voices heard. How charities build, grow, and support communities will be integral to how society meets the challenges of our time.

This session will focus on the inspiration and challenges this creates and how you can leverage and invest in community as a core part of your mission, income, and impact.






Daisy O'Reilly-Weinstock (UK)
Director of Big Bets, Good Innovation