Web 3.0 and community economy thinking

Web 3.0 and community economy thinking

Engaging Web 3.0 strategies to nurture community economy giving into Africa

Traditional fundraising strategies are about targeting donors. Web 3.0 and community economy thinking turns this traditional model on its head and instead focuses on the value that can be given to the donor through the work of organisation they support.

Community economy thinking is at the centre of an African idealogy known as Ubuntu, which roughly translates to I am because we are. It recognises that the power of any individual is made possible by the activation and support of their community.

This workshop will explore the strategies being engaged by NGOs and platforms in Africa to enable community economies and how donors, activists, and organisation are engaging directly to collectively fund and evidence impact for things they are passionate about.






Patrick Schofield (South Africa)
CEO, BackaBuddy
Catherine Du Plooy (South Africa)
Director, BackaBuddy
Li Jin (USA)
Cofounder & General Partner, Variant
Louisa Daly (USA)
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Kiva