Your next face-to-face fundraising innovation

Your next face-to-face fundraising innovation

“The future is already here, it´s just unevenly distributed.”
This statement is true for many industries, but especially for face-to-face fundraising. There are huge differences in what “innovation” really means to an organisation. Whereas some are still signing up donors on paper forms, others have been using digital ways of capturing data for a decade now. But who says that innovation needs to be technology?
For some just adding face-to-face fundraising as a channel to acquire recurring donations would be an innovation, for others it would be to add one-off donations as an option to donate on their face-to-face campaigns. Ultimately, it’s about making progress and testing new things on a regular basis and then keeping what works.
There are a lot of myths out there about what works and what doesn’t work. As part of this session, we’ll have a look at some of them and find out whether or not they are true. This session is about kickstarting experience sharing so you can take away an idea that is an innovation to your way of working.




Max Jakob (Austria)
Managing Director, Formunauts